Monday 29 September 2014

Transfer Madness

Hello everyone!
So, out of the e-mails I got.. I wanna say thank you all for caring! Yeah.. This whole health thing.. Sucks. I seriously am so frustrated. Being sick as it is sucks as it is.. But as a missionary you just feel like a worthless piece of crap. Haha, not actually.. But everyone has been telling me to go 50% and to take it easy and everything like that, but it's super hard. I hate it so much, I hate sitting and being like.. okay everyone else, have fun being real missionaries!!! Ugh! So dumb!! Anyway.. don't worry, I'm fine. Everyone takes super good care of me. President Weidmann is really good at calling me and texting me and checking up on me. 
I have to admit it was super cool to talk to the area doctor and hear that he had talked to Uncle Greg.. So rad, our family is famous. Haha.. but, I feel bad I wish that people weren't getting worked up about things and stuff. For me, the harder part is just not being able to do what I'm supposed to do. So, we'll get everything figured out and it'll all be good. Whatever. 
So.. last night was transfer calls. I was basically just excited because I was waiting to hear where everyone else would be going and stuff because we thought it was a known thing that I would be staying in 4th ward and training a new missionary. So.. President calls last night and he's like "Sister Vermunt, you're being transferred!" I was like.. what! Sister Pitcher was pretty shocked too.. because she started packing like 2 weeks ago. It was super funny, because he told her that she was staying in 4th. But yes.. I have been transferred to Tirana 3rd ward. So.. yeah. What. I love these people.. I don't feel like I'm ready to leave these people and stuff. People say that 3rd ward is a pretty difficult area. I'm going to join a sister that was just trained this last transfer.. Her name is Sister Coleman. I've heard good things.. So, I'm hoping that it's good. 

It's pretty hard for me to believe that my second transfer is over. It was both long and short at the same time. I learned a TON. Seriously.. I was writing in my journal the other day and I made a list of the things that I've gained.. I'm so grateful! Honestly, there were aspects of my transfer that really were so frustrating and difficult for me. But, it's unreal how much I learned. I'm so grateful. 

I'm so sorry.. I don't have too much to write today. Don't worry about me.. I'm living. The Lord loves us! I miss you all. 
Sister Vermunt

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